Individual intrapreneurial behavior effect on project success: Profiles and distinct Outcomes

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Eduardo Carvalho Sakalauskas
Cristina Dai Prá Martens
Flávio Santino Bizarrias
Mauro Luiz Martens


This study sought to investigate the effect of intrapreneurial behavior on project success dimensions. Although extant literature examines diverse aspects of influence on project success, it is silent on assessing intrapreneurial effects, even though companies target and foster such behavior. We found that the more the intrapreneurial behavior and profile increase, the greater the possibility of project success in a broad sense, regarding clients, project teams, strategies for the company’s future, commercial success, and efficiency. Latent class analysis reached three heterogeneous profiles in terms of intrapreneurship. These findings bring evidence of the importance of fostering intrapreneurial behavior on project teams, considering that members will develop it differently, leading to distinct project success outcomes in the middle and long term. Data from 411 project management participants were analyzed through exploratory factorial analysis, PLS-SEM, and latent class analysis. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed, along with the study’s limitations, and further proposed studies.


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Sakalauskas, E. C., Martens, C. D. P., Bizarrias, F. S., & Martens, M. L. (2023). Individual intrapreneurial behavior effect on project success: Profiles and distinct Outcomes. Brazilian Administration Review, 20(1), e220090.
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