BAR - Brazilian Administration Review

BAR is a scholarly journal on business and public administration published quarterly since 2004 by ANPAD (Brazilian Academy of Management). BAR is a fully open-access online journal that is a member and abides by the principles of COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics for scholarly publication. BAR is available in most indexing services, including Scopus and Scielo.

BAR’s mission is to advance scholarly knowledge on management and organizational theories so as to assist business and public administration worldwide by means of the global dissemination of conceptual and empirical studies developed in Brazil and other countries.

The journal publishes conceptual and empirical studies within the broad interests of business and public administration. Theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome as long as they are insightful also for practice. BAR documents should not focus on a particular country/region and must convey theoretical, methodological, and applied advancements to the frontiers of scholarly knowledge on a global scale. BAR’s editorial scope does not include teaching cases or purely applied practitioner-oriented material.

BAR's target audience is the global scholarly community in all interests of business and public administration.

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SCImago Journal & Country Rank              

CiteScore (2023): 1.8

H-Index (2023): 21.


Evolution Indicators



Vol. 21 No. 4 (2024): Oct/Dec - Special Issue - 2024

Digital Entrepreneurship and the Challenges for Social Change

Amarolinda Zanela Klein, Cristiane Pedron, Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood, Winnie Ng Picoto


Who Stands to Blame? Digital Platforms as Enablers of Insidious Acts

Bruno Luis Avila Freischlag, Bruno Anicet Bittencourt


The Role of Digital Technology in Scaling Social Innovations

Julhete Mignoni, Claudia Cristina Bitencourt Bitencourt, Gabriela Zanandrea, Ana Luiza Rossato Facco


Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Digital Technologies: Challenges and Potential Aspects for Brazilian Agtechs

Leani Lauermann Koch, Graciele Tonial, Simone Sehnem, William Douglas Gomes Peres


Technological Platforms and Social Change: The Uber Case

Wilquer Silvano de Souza Ferreira, Glaucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale, Victor Silva Corrêa


The Functions of the Proto-entrepreneur in Building up Startup Innovation Capabilities

Fábio Freitas Schilling Marquesan, Paulo Antônio Zawislak, Guilherme Freitas Camboim


Digital Capabilities on Business Performance: Does It Matter?

José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada, Rafael Alfonso Brinkhues


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