The Future of the Professoriate

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Wlamir Gonçalves Xavier


One of the guilds that have been stable over the last few centuries is the professoriate. Higher education institutions such as the University of Coimbra in Portugal, founded in 1290, and Lund University in Sweden, founded in 1666, still actively and vibrantly pursue the mission established by its founders. They not only operate in very similar ways, but their operations have mostly stayed the same over the centuries. However, a significant change has been unfolding in the last decades resulting in the reshaping of one of the cornerstones of higher education, the reshaping of academic freedom. This transformation is noticeable but not limited to the United States, one of the biggest markets in this global industry, with over 4,000 institutions (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2023). The changes may potentially alter educators who currently work in higher education and the whole professorate profession.


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How to Cite
Gonçalves Xavier, W. (2023). The Future of the Professoriate. Brazilian Administration Review, 20(3), e230082.


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