Determining Priority and Sustainable Strategies in Agribusiness Management using an Analytic Hierarchy Process model

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Najara Escarião Agripino
Kettrin Farias Bem Maracajá
André C. S. Batalhão


The aim of this study was to analyze which business sustainability factors are adopted in the strategic process of the agricultural sector using the model named Strategic Planning for Business Sustainability (PEPSE). To achieve the proposed aim, the PEPSE model was applied to the Analytic Hierarchy Process multicriteria decision tool. During the research, the farm adopted sanitary measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which compromised access to managers and, consequently, data collection. Based on the application of a model developed especially for the identification and formulation of sustainable strategies, the study identified how sustainability is considered in the strategic planning of an agricultural unit in Brazil and the strategies adopted to deal with environmental variables. It was possible to understand how the stakeholders influence the planning of the farm and the variables and priority strategies for the environmental positioning of the farm. Thus, the main limitation of the research was the time and the collection of information, therefore, only an analysis of the external scenario of the farm was carried out.


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Agripino, N. E., Maracajá, K. F. B., & Batalhão, A. C. S. (2023). Determining Priority and Sustainable Strategies in Agribusiness Management using an Analytic Hierarchy Process model. Brazilian Administration Review, 20(4).
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