Intelligence as an Innovation in Public Management: Premises for Institutionalization

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Claudia Melati
Raquel Janissek-Muniz


Objective: Intelligence in public management is recognized as an innovative approach that leverages technologies to enhance decision-making processes and facilitate democratic planning by establishing formal structures, engaging public servants and managers, and fostering social involvement for efficient data and information management. Despite its innovative potential, intelligence in public management requires legitimacy within government spheres. The objective of this study is to validate a model for the institutionalization of intelligence in public management, grounded in a theoretical framework encompassing ten dimensions of intelligence categorized into organizational structure, technological infrastructure, human capital, and social engagement. Methods: Employing quantitative research, data were collected through a survey conducted among managers and civil servants in the Brazilian context. Results: The results demonstrate a positive impact of the analyzed categories on the institutionalization of intelligence in public management, with human capital emerging as the most influential factor. Conclusions: This study underscores the significance of adopting an institutional perspective in structuring intelligence processes within public management, thereby offering avenues for theoretical advancement in the field and suggesting pathways toward establishing legitimacy for intelligence activities within government frameworks.


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Melati, C., & Janissek-Muniz, R. (2024). Intelligence as an Innovation in Public Management: Premises for Institutionalization. Brazilian Administration Review, 21(2), e230067.
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