Factors Associated with Innovation Capacity in Courts

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Leonardo Ferreira Oliveira
Tomas Aquino Guimaraes


Objective: the study analyzes the main factors associated with innovation capacity in courts. Methods: the research design involves a qualitative investigation based on in-depth interviews with 17 judges and 13 staff members of the Brazilian judiciary. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis. Results: the study corroborates previous research on innovation capacity in the public sector and demonstrates the prominence of certain factors in boosting this capacity, namely: leadership, team behavior, collaboration, organizational resources, knowledge management, and information technology. Conclusions: the findings show that having people who are skilled in innovation methods and techniques, with available time, engagement, and participation both as team members and in leadership positions, is important for the innovation capacity of courts. This should be aligned with the collaboration of key actors to promote innovation. Understanding the ideal alignment among the study’s factors can assist in improving judicial services.


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Oliveira, L. F., & Guimaraes, T. A. (2024). Factors Associated with Innovation Capacity in Courts. Brazilian Administration Review, 21(3), e230061. https://doi.org/10.1590/1807-7692bar2024230061
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