The impact of gamification on entrepreneurial Intention in a Brazilian technical business school
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This paper aims to evaluate the impact of gamification as a practice of teaching entrepreneurship on the entrepreneurial intention. We applied the FishBanks simulation to entrepreneurship classes of a Brazilian technical business course at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). We adopted as an identification strategy the use of the methods of difference-in-differences, combined with propensity score matching and quantile regression to investigate the impact of gamification on entrepreneurial intention of the students of a technical business course. The sample was composed of 191 students on a longitudinal panel of two periods, with 106 students in the treatment
group and 85 students in the control group, totaling 382 observations. The results indicate a positive and statistically significant impact of the use of the business game on the entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, we observed a higher impact of gamification in entrepreneurial intention of the students in the first quartile of the entrepreneurial intention.
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