Strategic issues: A systematic review of the literature

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José Eduardo Valladares Teixeira
Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra
Kent D. Miller


Although the strategic issue (SI) construct has been used since the 1970s as a theoretical framework to investigate and explain several phenomena in organizational and strategic management, few reviews on SIs have been carried out so far. This study aims to fill this gap. A systematic review of the literature was conducted, comprising 77 empirical and theoretical papers published in peer-reviewed academic journals since 1975. The analysis of this sample of papers led to the identification of five themes or perspective on SIs, which are discussed. This review contributes to the organizational and strategic management literature by identifying lines of inquiry, convergences, and gaps in the studies on SIs, and proposing an agenda for future research. 


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Teixeira, J. E. V., Serra, F. A. R., & Miller, K. D. (2023). Strategic issues: A systematic review of the literature. Brazilian Administration Review, 20(3), e230075.
Research Articles


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