Untangling Coopetitive Dynamics: A Microanalysis of Collaborative and Competitive Tensions in an Ecosystem

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Carlos Olavo Quandt
Marcelo Ferreira de Castilho


Objective: this study explores the complex dynamics of collaboration and competition within the Delta ecosystem, a mature, networked environment characterized by diverse coopetitive behaviors. The study interprets reality through a continuous process of reconstruction of meaning, using the theoretical lens of sensemaking. Methods: an intrinsic case study methodology is adopted, using the relationships between participants as the unit of analysis and triangulating primary and secondary data. Data collection integrates semi-structured interviews, desk research, and a sensemaking technique for pattern identification. Results: three key patterns of tension emerged: the interplay between identity formation and self-determination, the dichotomy of ‘islands’ and ‘archipelagos,’ and the nuances of performance asymmetries. Within this ecosystem, coopetition is evident as groups pool resources and insights, while competitive tensions arise from participants’ similarities and performance differences, spurring innovation but also potential conflict. Conclusions: the study delineates the nuanced interplay of competitive and collaborative forces within that coopetitive ecosystem, emphasizing their impact on value creation, thereby shedding light on specific patterns of tension that arise from these coopetitive dynamics.


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Quandt, C. O., & Castilho, M. F. de. (2024). Untangling Coopetitive Dynamics: A Microanalysis of Collaborative and Competitive Tensions in an Ecosystem. Brazilian Administration Review, 21(1), e230100. https://doi.org/10.1590/1807-7692bar2024230100
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