Exploring the Adoption of Intraorganizational Coopetition in Competitive Environments: Implications for the Banking Sector
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Objective: this article investigates the dynamics of intraorganizational coopetition within a Brazilian public bank, examining how competition, cooperation, and coopetition coexist within the same institution. Methods and Results: through a qualitative deductive approach using a case study method, it was found that collaborative practices among branches and superintendencies validate the propositions that competition, cooperation, and coopetition can coexist in the same environment. Furthermore, the study underscores the significance of coopetition for the operational efficiency and commercial performance of the bank, addressing the impact of organizational climate, knowledge sharing, and concealment, along with the challenges and benefits associated with intraorganizational coopetition. Conclusions: this research offers valuable insights for managers and contributes to the understanding of coopetition in competitive settings like the banking sector.
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