Technological Platforms and Social Change: The Uber Case
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Objective: this study examines the perception of social impact on Uber users, testing hypotheses about Uber’s association with various types of social change and addressing social issues. Method: a quantitative study with 843 Uber users in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, was conducted using six social change indicators to consider the platform’s characteristics. Multiple linear regression and correlation analyses were used to test the hypotheses about the frequency of use. Results: the research shows that peer-to-peer platforms like Uber are linked to social change by addressing social needs and solving issues through interaction. Quality of life and employability are critical for passengers, while drivers prioritize employability and economic concerns. The correlation model indicates a positive relationship across all social change categories, with employability and environment emerging as the main predictors of use. Conclusion: the Uber platform affects non-material culture, policy outcomes, traditional organizational models, and the economy. This research addresses gaps in understanding how technological platforms meet social needs and offers a new perspective on measuring social change. The model helps managers improve market and service offerings and supports public policies for socioeconomic development.
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